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Reminder that BP (the massive oil company) created the term “carbon footprint” to put the responsibility on you instead of them
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Anonymous 14w

def still be conscious abt it tho buying cheap shein clothing and being wasteful is still bad

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Anonymous replying to -> #1 14w

so then don’t buy cheap SHEIN clothing and don’t be wasteful boom did my part

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Anonymous replying to -> OP 14w

now let’s go look at the companies and people like Taylor Swift to see what they’re doing to help

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Anonymous replying to -> OP 14w

Dude, I think their point is that while what we do as individuals is pretty small, if all of us are doing it, it’s pretty big. They play a grand role in claim change, but individuals keep buying up their shit. We should be localizing supply chains, and simplifying our consumption habits.

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Anonymous replying to -> #2 14w

You should look into how the pie is split

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Anonymous replying to -> OP 14w

I know how it’s split, yet there are tens of millions still buying their shit. Do you get my point? We don’t need it. We didn’t have these things just a century ago even.

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Anonymous replying to -> #2 14w

Like it or not, oil will still be bought and paid for by the government either way. Individual consumption doesn’t matter if the government continues at high levels even after the public stops, at least until there’s a viable alternative or they put their foot down and limit it

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Anonymous 14w

we have to reduce consumption at the point of production. anything less will not be adequate

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Anonymous replying to -> OP 14w

Yeah, and who elects our government? This shit goes back before Reagan even. Individuals who not only won, but were given a pretty clear mandate to lead.

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Anonymous replying to -> _orangutan 14w

which means we need policy changes. individuals cannot curb our collective overconsumption

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Anonymous replying to -> #2 14w

No use whining about the past as an excuse for present inaction and compliance

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Anonymous replying to -> OP 14w

If you’re talking about the petroleum reserves that’s so theirs never another 1970s oil crisis due to high gas prices. The government also needs gas much like everyone else. Those garbage trucks, mail trucks, buses, etc aren’t electric yet.

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Anonymous replying to -> #4 14w

you haven’t even mentioned the US military, one of the largest consumers of fossil fuels on the planet. it alone emits more greenhouse gases than several nations

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Anonymous replying to -> #4 14w

Nah I’m not talking about the reserves. Also yeah I agree that they need gas too, so until a viable alternative is invested in, gas will remain on top. Plus there’s no infrastructure for electric stuff right now, so if you own one you’re basically just investing in a fire hazard

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